Thursday, July 2, 2015

Alone Poems with Alone Images for Sad Lovers

What do I do, now I have reached the edge?
The cliff is steep to the plain below.
Miles upon miles of emptry air
And no hand will I hold, but your hand
and you are not there!
What do I do when smothering black
Of night engulfs me... coldly dark
So dark I tingle with sudden fear
No arms do I need but your arms
And you are not there!

by Stefani Baucom I am alone,
so very alone I hurt, so very 
bad I am ignored, just thrown 
aside I am security, for others 
to have I am lonely,
there is no one close,
no one sees the pain
I cry,
hope is gone
I am alone,
and no one knows

I Wish I Wasn't Alone
Once when I was little
I was happy and carefree
I used to run around laughing
Until it was time for tea
It's amazing how things change
When people let you down
You search For someone who cares
Loneliness, it hurts
It kills you deep inside
It makes you feel empty
It stops you in your stride
Once when I was little
I was never on my own
But now I pray at night
''I wish I wasn't alone'.

I used to fear loneliness.
I wondered if I would ever get 
married, Or feared that no one would 
ever want me. I am not scared of being 
by myself anymore, But am more 
concerned that if or when I get 
married, I could fall out of love.
I am not afraid of being without a mate,
But of being far more alone and secluded 
with one Than I ever was before.

Imagine yourself
Alone in your head
You're hanging, dangling
From a silver thread
Empty, alone
With the monsters within
Internally screaming
You just want to give in
You think that there's none
Who know how you feel
You're just so alone
But the feelings- they're real

Lying, thinking
Last night
How to find my soul a home
Where water is not thirsty
And bread loaf is not stone
I came up with one thing
And I don't believe I'm wrong
That nobody,
But nobody
Can make it out here alone.
Alone, all alone
Nobody, but nobody
Can make it out here alone.

Stand Alone
She stands alone
as that which she feels
that is different
is repudiated by the 
one she loves..

I did not know I loved you
Until you went away.
I didn't much think of you
Up to that final day.
The music that was you
I only noticed when it stopped.
I didn't take the time to
Tell you that I cared a lot.
My love of life went with you
Too late for me to say
I didn't know how much I loved you
Until the day you went away.

From childhood's hour i have not been
As other were, I have not seen
As other saw, I could not bring
My passions from a common spring
From the same source, I have not taken
My sorrow, I could not awaken
My heart to joy at the same tone
And all I lov'd, I lov'd alone
By Edgar Allan Poem

Too Late
Today I died Its me you 
killed With all your lies
My blood you spilled And 
those that cried For a life 
unfulfilled In a hole I hide
My body is chilled Until 
the day my guide Shows 
me its what I willed
To finally confide My misery 
stilled Away from commitment, 
I always shied Now alone, 
forever in a hill.


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